Saturday 13 July 2013

Week 4 - Lecture , Tutorial & Trip


During tutorial class, Pn. Fatimah walked around looking for something. All of us were wondering what was happening. At the end we knew that Pn. Fatimah was looking for a person who wears shirt with MMU logo. There were one person who wears shirt with MMU logo and she asked him to turn around so that we couldn't see the logo. The objective is to draw a MMU logo with only our basic knowledge without any reference.

So, i drew the logo and this is the result.

- We also implemented Monaka And Takuechi Model to draw a Mcdonald logo.

Our class started at 8 AM every Friday. I went to the class with a sleepy face. As usual Pn. Fatimah arrived in class early. That day, she's bringing her cute little daughter. 

We learned about Knowledge Capture and Codification.

Codification Techniques : 
  -Task Analysis
  - Cognitive Mapping

- Decision Trees
- Knowledge Taxonomies

Taxonomic approach to knowledge codification
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On last 26/6/2013 we went for field trip to Sasana Kijang Bank Negara Malaysia. There are two buses bringing MMU student from MIS and TKM class. We managed to gain a lot of experienced and knowledge from the trip. We have learned how important Knowledge nowadays. The real power is the one who have knowledge. 

Here are few pictures we managed to capture.

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