Monday 24 June 2013

Week 3 - Lecture, Tutorial And Practical

Friday - 21/6/2013

Lecture - During the class, Pn. Fatimah told us a true story about a girl that once used to play Lego as her hobby but nowadays become her successful career. She is working with Lego company and she is one of the member that in charge of Legoland Malaysia. The first Legoland in Asia! We're proud to be Malaysian.

Tacit to tacit
- Pn. Fatimah give knowledge to us

Tacit to explicit

- We writing down the instructions

Linking Explicit Knowledge

-We trying to do it but it couldn't work out

Learning by doing

-Do again by watching video about it first

* We implements this model during our tutorial class.

-This is Jazly, our selected members that gonna be contestant to demonstrate how to fold a shirt in under 2 seconds. Yeahh in the beginning we couldn't understand what is the instructions all about. But after Pn. Fatimah shows us the video finally we managed to do it and it is quiet simple.

-Pn. Fatimah knows well who won this game. The one who got chocolate Nips as present. Thanks madam :)

Think about :-
-80% attendance for students in Multimedia University is always make sense. 
-Students have improved in academic by coming to the class to fulfill their 80% attendance, students also can understand the subject they took so much better.

" Better get something than nothing"

That's all for this entry.

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