Thursday 18 July 2013

Week 5

Tutorial section 

Madam Fatimah tech how to create a mindmap . This picture refer how to create a Mindmap from Madam Fatimah .

Lecture section

Knowledge Sharing & Communities of Practice (CoP)

Once knowledge has been captured and codified, it needs to be shared and disseminated throughout the organization

In this chapter , Madam Fatimah was explain about knowledge sharing . Knowledge sharing is about :

How do we find information?


What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?

nTraditionally, we have shared knowledge through ‘word of mouth’ (e.g. master to apprentice)

nWhile socializing comes ‘naturally’ to us, there are fewer opportunities in today’s much larger, much more global companies 

¢ Knowledge sharing occurs quite efficiently and effectively in communities of practice where members share a professional interest and goal.
¢Virtual communities are the primary sources of social capital produced that are of value to the organization.
¢Social network analysis can be used to visualize the people and their connections in virtual communities.
¢Some of the key obstacles to knowledge sharing are notions such as knowledge is property, knowledge is power, credibility of the content and the source, organizational culture, and the presence of undernets

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