Monday 17 June 2013

Week 1 - Pictures Described Everything

Friday - 7/6/2013

How are you guys doing ? Good ? I was attend my first INTRODUCTION TO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT class . It's was fun . When I just entered this class , suddently Madam Fatimah was call my name , OMG i tough i'm did any wrong , but she just ask me one question . "Why you take this subject ?" . And I said " I'm just follow course structure" and almost student in the class laughing on me and I'm so shame .  Then  Madam Fatimah ask we to draw a flower . But look at that photo . My flower so beautiful right ? . He3 . And Madam said my drawing just okay la .

Can you guys see the photo above ? This photo , Madam ask me to draw a map of MMU campus . It's hard for me to draw this photo because mmu got many building . At last , I'm realize this subject not so bored but it's was fun . I can't wait to attend my next class because I love this subject and Madam Fatimah too .

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