Thursday 22 August 2013

Week 9 - Lecture, Tutorial


This is the last week before we having our midterm break. Today we learn about Knowledge Management System.

Knowledge Management Systems
¢1960s: high productivity and throughput
¢Today: enhance business strategy
Enable knowledge capture and exchange
¢Openly, freely, readily
Facilitate the acquisition, documentation, transfer, creation and application of knowledge
Ensure greater knowledge functionality
¢Maintain a record of all electronic assets
¢Automatically indexing, and categorization

¢Personal customization

Knowledge Management Systems Principles
Defined purpose and boundary
Inter-related components
System manager

Content manager 

Corporate strategy ~> corporate knowledge End-user ~> contribute and benefit Related systems ~> finance, archive, hr

Knowledge Applications Management
¢Access to specialised tools and services
¢Facilitate knowledge creation and workflow management
Enabling access to email exchanges
Use of Internet from office desktop


- Cost savings?
- Quality control and assurance
- TQM – cultural change
- Partnering
- Benchmarking
- BPR – radical change by questioning organisational processes
- Lean production by using less human effort, manufacturing space and equipment by focusing on value


- User needs
- KMS research
- System requirements
- System constraints
- Site visits
- Related systems

* Request for Information


- User and knowledge context
- Vendor information / referees
- Potentiol applications / priority
- Budget

* Request for Proposal / Tender


- After-sales support
- Budget
- Client referrals
- Canned / live demo
- Priorities reflected
- Future capabilities


- Agree?
- Oursource?
- Withdraw?
- Staged implementation
- Wait?


- Train users
- Monitor adoption
- Helpdesk support
- Share learning
- Online help
- Nurture champions

* Evaluation


- Promotion
- Encourage advocates
- KM service

* Follow-up / Evaluation

Maintaining the KMS
¢System failure
¢System backup
¢System security
¢User adoption
¢System demand

¢System integration

During tutorial session we discussed solutions of midterm paper. We were not satisfied with our result but we learned how to answer that kind of question in the coming final examination. We still have a lot of time to prepare ourselves for the final. 
I want to wish all my Malay friends Selamat Hari Raya and enjoy your midterm break. Dont forget to study because after the break there's still a lot of midterm test. And do remember to finish all the assignment before the due date. That's all for this entry. Have a nice holiday!

Week 8 - Lecture , Re-midterm Test


Today we are in the 8th week of this trimester. During our lecture session, Madam Fatimah teach us 2 different chapters under one lecture session. It is The Learning Organization & Knowledge Management Tools.

Before that, Madam Fatimah told us that learning organization is not so important , therefore Madam Fatimah just briefly go through this slide only. She focused more on the second chapter that is knowledge management tools.

 Major KM Techniques, Tools and Technologies

Knowledge Capture and Creation Tools
¢Content creation
Authoring tools
Annotation tools
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
¢Content Management
Metadata tagging
¢Source, author, etc.
Personal KM


Tutorial - Supplementary midterm test

Yeah, we all didn't know that Madam Fatimah would give us second chance to redo our test again. This is our best opportunity  to get better marks. But unfortunately the test paper wasn't that easy and i realized that it is more difficult than the previous midterm. 

However, there are certain students that did well in this second test. For me, i just try my best to answer the paper. All of us are gonna wait for the marks given by Madam Fatimah next week. The best part of this week is, midterm test for knowledge management subject is done! Now i can fully enjoy my weekend. :)

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Week 7 - Lecture , Midterm Test

In week 7, we learn about Knowledge Management Organizational Culture. 

Cultural Component in An Integrated KM Cycle :

Typology of Cultures :

What can we summarized from this chapter :
¢  Culture penetrates to the essence of an organization. It is almost analogous to concept of personality in relation to the individual. This acute sense of what an organization is—its mission, core values—seems to have become a necessary asset of the modern company.
¢  Organizational culture consists of the set of norms, routines, and unspoken rules of how things are done in that organization.
¢An organization’s culture may be in differing states of maturity, and these can be assessed using a variety of organizational and KM maturity models.
¢Knowledge cultures constantly evolve
¢The development of an effective knowledge community requires dedicated and ongoing support

Madam Fatimah showed us a video of the workplace and environment of a Google workplace all around the world. It is quiet interesting. Here is the link in the youtube.

There is no tutorial class on Tuesday, 16 July 2013 (week 7). The tutorial section is being replaced by midterm test. We can refer to notes, books, web or any other reference during the test. The test period was 1 hour, we managed to complete it within the time period. Many of us cannot really score well on this test. However, there is one student in this group section who got full marks. Yeah we all wondered how did he answered all the questions perfectly without doing any mistake. 

Week 6 - Lecture, Tutorial

So, here we are. Week number six! Today, we proceeded where we left off last Friday. Last week, we covered on Lecture 5 which is mainly about Community of Practice (CoP). 

This week we will study about:
Knowledge Acquisition & Application

  • Knowledge application refers to the actual use of knowledge that has been captured or created and put into the KM cycle.

Knowledge Management Cycle :
-Knowledge Acquisition: Reuse
          -Promote efficiency 
          -Lead to Innovation
¢More effective ways of doing things
-Knowledge Application
         -Application of knowledge is filtered through human brain and applied to job tasks

Knowledge Reuse: Three Major Roles
¢Knowledge Producer
Person who produced knowledge or object
¢Knowledge Intermediary
Prepares knowledge for reuse by indexing, packaging, marketing
¢Knowledge Reuser

Retrieves, understands and applies knowlege

The tutorial class start as usual on 11am every Tuesday. From the beginning of the tutorial class madam Fatimah start discussing the tutorial question with us, after that we discuss a case study in the tutorial question. 

Madam Fatimah said midterm will come out a question similar like the case study question and advice us to focus on it. We couldn't really enjoy our weekend because we have to study for the coming midterm test. Hopefully the midterm test was not so tough. That's all for this week. Assalamualaikum.